Access Programme

The Fr. John Sullivan SJ - Access Programme
Why is an Access Programme so important to Gonzaga College SJ?
A significant tenet of our Jesuit ethos and tradition is that we teach a faith that does justice and, in this context, we feel the access programme and the tangible experience of social and cultural diversity will continue to enrich the school community in a most positive way.
The current goal is to provide four Access bursaries each year and to assess and review this number as the programme develops. We are very pleased to currently have 17 students participating in the programme and our aim is to grow this number to between 8-10% of our student intake each year.
The John Sullivan Access Programme is of course costly to deliver. International best practice has shown that to ensure
that programmes like this become an enduring feature of the College, it is necessary to build an endowment. This fund will generate a stream of iincome to fund student participation in the programme. To achieve our goal of having 10% of the students on this programme we will need to develop a fund of €7 million which will be gradually accumulated over the years, and we are delighted to already have just over €2 million pledged towards our goal.